Pilot disclosure under IFRS S2Disclosure is limited to IFRS S2 requirements. For the remaining elements the Company continues to improve its governance, accounting, and reporting frameworks for future disclosure.

Section Disclosure Page


Controls and procedures the entity uses to monitor and manage climate‑related risks and opportunities

6 (а): Indicate the governance body (individual) responsible for overseeing climate‑related risk and opportunity management
(i) how responsibilities for climate‑related risks and opportunities are reflected in the mandates, role descriptions and other related policies applicable to that body Approaches to climate change management
(iii) how and how often the body is informed about climate‑related risks and opportunities Approaches to climate change management
(v) how the body oversees the setting of targets related to climate‑related risks and opportunities, and monitors progress towards those targets, including whether and how related performance metrics are included in remuneration policies Approaches to climate change management
6 (b): Describe the role of executive management in the processes and procedures for the management and oversight of climate‑related risks and opportunities
(i) whether the role is delegated to a specific officer or collegial governance body (committee) and how oversight is exercised over that officer or body Approaches to climate change management


The approach the entity uses to manage climate‑related risks and opportunities

10 (a): Describe climate‑related risks and opportunities that could reasonably be expected to affect the entity’s prospects Climate change risks and opportunities
10 (b): explain, for each climate‑related risk the entity has identified, whether the entity considers the risk to be a climate‑related physical risk or climate‑related transition risk Climate change risks and opportunities
10 (с): specify, for each climate‑related risk and opportunity the entity has identified, over which time horizons (short, medium or long term) the effects of each climate‑related risk and opportunity could reasonably be expected to occur The Company assesses physical risks on a short‑term horizon up to 2028. For market risks, a general assessment has been completed for the horizons up to 2030, 2040 and 2050
13 (a): Describe the current and expected impact of climate‑related risks and opportunities on the entity’s business model and value chain. Climate change risks and opportunities
13 (b): Indicate which parts of the entity's business model / value chain are characterised by climate‑related risks and opportunities Climate change risks and opportunities
14 (a): Explain how the entity plans to achieve any climate‑related targets it has set and any targets it is required to meet by law or regulation
(ii) current and anticipated direct mitigation and adaptation efforts Approaches to climate change management, Climate change risks and opportunities, Energy consumption and efficiency
(v) how the entity plans to achieve any climate‑related targets, including any greenhouse gas emissions targets Climate change risks and opportunities, Greenhouse gas emissions and carbon footprint of products, Energy consumption and efficiency
14 (b): information about how the entity is resourcing, and plans to resource, the activities disclosed in accordance with paragraph 14(a) The Environmental and Climate Change Strategy allocates a budget for climate‑related activities
14 (с): Provide quantitative and qualitative information about the progress of plans disclosed in previous reporting periods Sustainable development strategy, Highlights and results
22 (a): Disclose information about the entity’s assessment of the climate resilience of its strategy and business model as at the reporting date Climate change risks and opportunities
22 (b): Indicate how and when the climate‑related scenario analysis was carried out Climate change risks and opportunities

Risk management

Procedures the entity uses to identify, assess, prioritise, and monitor climate‑related risks and opportunities

25 (a): Describe the process of identifying, assessing, and prioritising climate‑related risks
(ii) whether and how the entity uses climate‑related scenario analysis to identify climate‑related risks Climate change risks and opportunities
(v) how the entity monitors climate‑related risks Climate change risks and opportunities
(vi) whether and how the entity has changed the processes it uses compared with the previous reporting period Approaches to risk identification and assessment compared to the data in the Climate Change Report have not changed
25 (b): Describe the processes used by the entity to identify, assess, prioritise, and monitor climate‑related opportunities, including whether the entity uses climate change scenario analysis to identify climate‑related opportunities Climate change risks and opportunities

Metrics and targets

The entity's performance in relation to sustainability/climate‑related risks and opportunities, including progress towards the entity's objectives set by the entity or required by law or regulation

29 (а): Disclose Scope 1, 2 and 3 GHG emissions and approaches to measurement methodology Greenhouse gas emissions and carbon footprint of products
29 (e): Disclose the amount of capital expenditures, investments, and other types of financing allocated to projects associated with climate‑related risks and opportunities Highlights and results
29 (f): Disclose information on the entity's application of an internal carbon price mechanism Approaches to climate change management
29 (g) (i): Provide a description of whether and how climate‑related considerations are factored into executive remuneration Approaches to climate change management
33: Disclose the quantitative and/or qualitative climate‑related goals and targets that the entity has set to monitor progress towards its strategic objectives, as well as the targets it is required to meet by law or regulation (including GHG emission targets), including:
33 (а): the metric used to set the target Sustainable development strategy
33 (d): the period over which the target applies Sustainable development strategy
33 (g): if the target is quantitative, whether it is an absolute target or an intensity target Sustainable development strategy
Applicable metrics from SASB Metals & Mining Sustainability Accounting Standard as specified in the Industry‑Based Guidance on Implementing IFRS S2: EM‑MM‑110a.1, EM‑MM‑110a.2, EM‑MM‑130a.1, EM‑MM‑140a.1, EM‑MM‑140a.2, EM‑MM‑000.A, EM‑MM‑000.B This information has been disclosed in the SASB METALS&MINING Content Index appendix