Social partnership framework
GRI 2‑26In order to align the interests of the Group’s employees and employers in terms of social and labour relations, Nornickel develops social partnership at the local, regional, and interregional levels.
Mechanisms for the representation of employee interests
Company level
Collective decision‑making bodies representing the employer, employees, and trade unions
Interregional level
Trade Union of MMC Norilsk Nickel Employees interregional public organisation
Trade union organisations
Social and labour councils
Interregional level
At the interregional level of social partnership, there is an agreement between employee representatives and employers in the copper and nickel and supporting industries, which has been in force since 2019.
As at the end of 2023, the agreement applied to 21 Group companies, covering 89.6% of the Group’s employees.
Company level
The Company has in place an enterprise‑level social partnership framework aligned with the Labour Code of the Russian Federation, collective bargaining agreements, the interregional cross‑industry agreement for copper and nickel producers and their supporting industries for 2022–2025, and joint resolutions. We follow the Freedom of Association Policy approved by the Board of Directors.
In 2023, the trade unions and social and labour councils participated in the inspections of the sanitary condition of dietary and general food service providers and quality assessments of food served at the Group’s facilities in the Norilsk Industrial District and the Murmansk Region.
As a way to improve understanding of the Company’s plans or accomplishments and inform employees about resolutions adopted by the Group’s management on social and labour matters, Nornickel presented Human Capital Development Programme and its preliminary results to trade unionists in the reporting year. Apart from that, trade union representatives participated in the awareness‑raising campaign launched by the employer to highlight the launch of the Digital Investor corporate programme. The Company believes that such meetings give an opportunity to maintain a constructive dialogue with the representatives of its workforce and receive timely feedback on ongoing corporate changes.
GRI 2-30Social and labour relations at Group companies that do not have collective bargaining agreements (6% of Nornickel’s employees) are governed through by‑laws adopted by such companies in consultation with the employees’ representative body (if any) as and when required by applicable Russian labour laws.
GRI 402‑1Nornickel notifies employees regarding significant changes in the Company’s activities is full compliance with the Labour Code of the Russian Federation:
- the minimum notice period is at least two months prior to the start of such changes; or
- at least three months prior to the start of such changes if the redundancy decision may lead to large‑scale dismissals.
These standards are formalised in all collective bargaining agreements.
SASB EM‑MM‑310a.2No strikes and lockouts involving the Company’s personnel were reported in 2023.