
  • Business unit of the Company's Head Office: department, division or any other unit within the organisational structure of the Company’s Head Office approved by the President of MMC Norilsk Nickel and/or Senior Vice President for HR, Social Policy and Public Relations.
  • Business units: subsidiaries of MMC Norilsk Nickel.
  • Certification: confirming compliance of qualitative characteristics with quality standard requirements.
  • Charitable activities: the Company's voluntary transfer of property, including cash, free works and services, and other support, to legal entities or individuals free of charge or on preferential terms.
  • Collective Bargaining Agreement: legal instrument governing social and labour relationships within a company or a sole trader business and signed by the representatives of employees and the employer.
  • Compliance: conducting business in compliance with the requirements of government authorities, applicable laws, regulations, guidelines and standards, including corporate policies and procedures, and ethical business practices.
  • Corporate culture: combination of standards, values and beliefs that determine the way a company addresses the matters of internal integration and external adaptation, guide and motivate daily behaviour of employees, while also transforming under its influence.
  • Corporate social responsibility (CSR): corporate behaviour philosophy and concept applied by the business community, companies and company representatives to their activities aimed at meeting stakeholder expectations and ensuring sustainable development.
  • Environmental protection and resource efficiency: corporate programmes aimed at minimising the Company's environmental impact.
  • Global Reporting Initiative (GRI): independent organisation developing sustainability reporting guidelines and standards.
  • Health and safety: occupational health and safety protection system embracing legal, social, economic, organisational, technical, sanitary, hygienic, healthcare, rehabilitation and other activities.
  • HR management policy: end‑to‑end integrated HR management system including all stages of employee‑employer interaction, from recruitment to retirement and post‑retirement support.
  • HR policy: set of standards, rules, regulations, concepts and goals determining the Company's HR management practices (personnel planning and record keeping, recruitment, adaptation, training and development, remuneration and incentivisation, performance assessment, social security, etc.) in line with its development strategy.
  • Human rights due diligence: set of measures that includes assessing impacts and risks in the value chain and conducting business responsibly in order to prevent and mitigate human rights abuses and hold businesses accountable for such abuses in which the businesses may be implicated through their own operations or relationships.
  • Incentivisation: tools and methods of boosting staff performance and productivity, motivating an employee or a group of employees to achieve corporate goals.
  • Local communities: population with Russian citizenship.
  • Mediation: method of alternative dispute resolution based on finding a mutually acceptable solution through the mediation of an impartial third party (independent expert).
  • Minetoken: a digital financial asset linked in value to a share in MMC Norilsk Nickel.
  • Mission: statement of the Company's goals and objectives that distinguish it from its peers.
  • Norilsk Industrial District: a territory of municipalities that includes the city of Norilsk, the Taimyrsky Dolgano‑Nenetsky Municipal District, and the Turukhansky District.
  • Nornickel (Norilsk Nickel) Group: for the purpose of the 2023 Sustainability Report, MMC Norilsk Nickel and the totality of operations forming Nornickel Group. Unless otherwise specified or required by the context, the “Company”, “Group”, “Nornickel” or “the Group companies” shall refer to Nornickel Group.
  • Occupational disease: health disorder caused by a systematic and lasting exposure to workplace factors or a combination of production‑specific working conditions.
  • Payroll budget: total payroll and social payments.
  • Personnel development: set of initiatives aimed at employee recruitment, adaptation, retention, and fully unlocking their professional and creative potential.
  • Risk: negative factor that might result from current processes or future events and have a potential impact on the Company’s ability to achieve its goals.
  • Safe working conditions: working conditions where occupational exposure to harmful and/or hazardous production factors is prevented or controlled within the set limits.
  • Senior executives: President, Vice Presidents, heads of departments in case of the Head Office, and general directors and their deputies in case of entities located in the Norilsk Industrial District and on the Kola Peninsula.
  • Significant regions of operation: Russian regions where the Company's core production is concentrated and key assets in terms of headcount (1,000 or more people) are located: the Norilsk Industrial District, KrasnoyarskTerritory (except for the NID), Kola Peninsula (Murmansk Region), Trans‑Baikal Territory, Moscow, and other Russian regions.
  • Social package: set of benefits, compensations, additional payments, statutory and additional services provided to employees by the employer on top of their salary.
  • Social partnership: framework of relationships among employees (their representatives), employers (their representatives), and federal and local government authorities aimed at reconciling interests of employees and employers on matters pertaining to the regulation of labour relations and other directly associated matters.
  • Social programmes: voluntary corporate initiatives pertaining to employee development and motivation, creating favourable working conditions, promoting corporate culture and charity, and supporting local communities. These initiatives are implemented on a regular basis in line with the Company's business strategy, and focused on satisfying balanced requests of various stakeholders. From the management perspective, a social programme is a set of initiatives carefully planned in terms of resources, workforce and timeframes, and efficiently addressing the Company’s internal or external social objectives.
  • Soil thawing: process whereby soil receives heat in a quantity sufficient for its natural negative temperature to increase to 0 °С and also for its disseminated ice to turn to liquid.
  • Southern Cluster: Nornickel’s promising project to develop reserves in the northern part of the Norilsk‑1 Deposit.
  • Stakeholder engagement: the Company's activities aimed at identifying stakeholders’ expectations and concerns and their engagement in the decision‑making process.
  • Stakeholders are individuals, legal entities, groups, associations and other organisations whose interests can be potentially affected by the Company’s operations, as well as parties that can influence it. Stakeholders include the Company's shareholders, investors, employees, suppliers, contractors, consumers, trade unions and other public organisations, federal and local authorities, mass media, residents of areas where the company operates, and others.
  • Standard: regulation containing a set of requirements for activities and their products.
  • Sulphur Programme: Nornickel's largest and most important environmental initiative, providing for a phased reduction of sulphur dioxide emissions in the Norilsk Industrial District and on the Kola Peninsula, as well as the establishment of green production.
  • Sustainability Report (non‑financial report): accessible, accurate and balanced description of the main aspects of the Company’s activities and achievements pertaining to its values, goals and sustainable development policy, and addressing the matters of most importance for the key stakeholders. This is a way of publicly informing the shareholders, employees, partners and other stakeholders of the Company's progress towards its goals and objectives set out in its mission statement and strategic development plans with respect to financial and environmental stability, and social security.
  • Sustainable development: concept developed by the UN that acknowledges the role of business in ensuring sustainable development of the society; a concept of global community development taking into account interests of both present and future generations.
  • System Analysis and Programme Development Governance, Risk and Compliance (SAP GRC): a SAP‑based information system combining three main components – corporate governance, risk management and compliance.
  • Tailing dump: facility encompassing dedicated structures and equipment designed to store radioactive, toxic or other tailings resulting from the concentration process.
  • Top management: President, Senior Vice Presidents, Vice Presidents, members of the Management Board and heads of departments of MMC Norilsk Nickel; directors of branches of MMC Norilsk Nickel and their deputies; sole executive bodies (directors, general directors) of the Group companies and their deputies.
  • Young talents: graduates of universities and colleges whose post‑graduate experience does not exceed three years.