Engagement of employees in OHS management
GRI 2‑26, 403‑4As one of the ways to engage employees in OHS management, Nornickel organises joint OHS committees (councils) made of representatives of the management, employees, and trade unions.
Joint committees were established in the majority of the Group companies and business units, except the Head OfficeThere is no internal trade union in place, but representatives of the Norilsk trade union take part in the HSE Committee meetings and Norilsk Nickel Corporate UniversityThe educational institution is not involved in industrial production.. Contractors participate in joint committee meetings that deal with matters related to contractor employees.
Authorised representatives of trade unions and staff in occupational health and safety were elected to participate in preventive activities across the Company’s production units.
SASB EM‑MM‑310a.1
A majority of production companies of the Group have collective bargaining agreements signed with employee representatives (including trade union organisations), which contain occupational health and safety provisions.