Corporate culture development
Developing its corporate culture, Nornickel unites proactive and motivated employees of various occupations from different facilities on the basis of the Company's values.
Business Ethics Code
Observance of professional and ethical standards and adoption of core corporate values by all employees contribute to better coordination, higher transparency, and stronger business reputation of the Company. In engaging with stakeholders, the Company and its employees are governed by the Business Ethics Code of MMC Norilsk Nickel.
The Company has procedures in place to address potential breaches of the Business Ethics Code, providing employees with a secure and confidential channel to report violations which are then investigated by the respective functional units. To promote compliance with the Business Ethics Code, the Company has established a system of bonuses and incentives for employees. Nornickel seeks to single out employees who most actively follow the principles of ethics and integrity in their work.
Training is provided to employees to explain the Code, including a training module on the Code integrated into the Our Values programme, Nornickel Live, and Corporate Dialogues.
Nornickel's corporate culture survey
In 2023, Nornickel conducted a survey on the current state of its corporate culture and the progress made as part of measures to develop it in 2016–2023.
The overall corporate culture assessment indicates its strengthening and homogeneity. Respondents noted that the Company has become more close‑knit and adapted to existing changes and challenges.
Key takeaways:
- most employees act in line with corporate values;
- among the Company's strengths, the respondents point out a social focus and environmental awareness, development of cooperation and promotion of innovations;
- efforts to develop corporate culture contribute to the growth of employee engagement and the expansion of vertical communications.
In addition, the survey revealed prerequisites to revise elements for the gradual transformation of the corporate culture, which include generational shift, changing environment and business priorities.
Management decisions are made following an employee engagement survey conducted by Nornickel on an annual basis.
The maximum growth in 2023 was observed for such engagement factors as employer brand (+7 p.p.), work/life balance (+5 p.p.), and the environmental index (+6 p.p.).
Based on the review of the survey results, more than 500 measures were implemented, 53% of which are directly related to the achievement of current business objectives (progress of the production programme, ensuring uninterrupted operation of equipment, attracting specialists to remote areas). In addition, the Company focused efforts on enhancing the volume and quality of internal communications, strengthening the bonus component and developing employee reward programmes, attracting young people, developing talent, and social partnerships.
My entire career to date has been spent working at Nornickel. The possibility to gain new knowledge and experience, improve my skills, and, of course, interaction with people who will always help and give professional advice – this is what motivates me to work and grow in the Company for 28 years. It comes as no surprise that my eldest son also decided to cast his lot with the Company and now works at Norilsk Concentrator.
Yevgeny Sukhanov,
filterman, grade 5, Copper Plant, Polar Division of MMC Norilsk Nickel (length of service with the Company – 28 years)
Employee awards
For special services to the country, the Company's employees are honoured with state awards. In celebration of professional holidays and anniversaries, the Company's most distinguished employees may be nominated for departmental, regional and local government awards for outstanding achievements in labour.
The Company recognises the achievements of its employees at the corporate level in accordance with the Award Policy approved by the Company and closely linked to Nornickel's values and strategic priorities.
Corporate incentive decisions are reserved to the remit of the Company’s President. In addition to corporate incentives, there are internal incentives awarded to employees on behalf of the management of enterprises where they work.