Sustainability management
GRI 2‑24To effectively support the achievement of the Company's strategic sustainability goals, Nornickel is implementing a sustainability management system.
The sustainability management system includes, but is not limited to:
- policies and statementsThe texts of the documents are available on the Company’s website. that set out the principles and approaches applicable to all of Nornickel Group’s Russian business units;
- goals, objectives and targets set out in the Environmental and Climate Change Strategy through 2031 and the Sustainable Social Development Strategy through 2030 (for more details, please see the Sustainable Development Strategy section), KPIs for the top management, as well as roadmaps and other by‑laws;
- split of responsibilities for areas of sustainable development;
- organisational and methodological activities of the Sustainable Development Department.
The split of responsibilities for sustainability within the Company is based on a matrix approach: specific aspects of sustainable development fall within the remit of functional units of the Head Office, branches, and business units. Most of said aspects are supervised by the Management Board, Board of Directors and its committees; in particular, the Sustainable Development and Climate Change Committee takes part in regularly monitoring and overseeing relevant programmes and practices.
As the key unit responsible for sustainability, the Sustainable Development Department is responsible for a consistent approach to effectively running the sustainability management model, develops and implements systems for assessing the Company's compliance with relevant provisions of international and national standards and recommendations, as well as requirements set forth by leading associations, agencies, and other stakeholders. At the senior executive level, the coordination of how policies and internal procedures on sustainability are actually implemented falls within the remit of the Vice President for Investor Relations and Sustainable Development.
In 2023, we updated the professional competency model for the sustainable development vertical, including divisions, and put together test questions to evaluate the knowledge of employees across all competencies. A testing exercise is planned for 2024.
Employees of Nornickel have started to view their daily work not only as a way to achieve production objectives, but also as their personal contribution to sustainable development goals.
This is largely due to our efforts to reach out to people, and to integrate ESG principles into the Company's operations and existing business processes.
We will continue engaging our colleagues and partners in environmental and social initiatives to foster our shared sustainable future.
Irina Voronkova,
Head of the Sustainability Management Department, Polar Division (length of service with the Company – 41 years)
Sustainability‑related KPIs of the top management
In 2023, sustainability‑related indicators are included in Nornickel Group's annual team KPIs for the year. The priorities here are occupational health and safety and environmental protection. Respective indicators have a weight of 30% and 20% respectively in team KPIs for the year 2023. Also, the Environmental Project Implementation indicator was selected as a KPI for the Long‑Term Incentive Programme for the Group's Key Employees (total weight of 30%).
Split of responsibilities for key areas of sustainable development
GRI 2‑9, 2‑12, 2‑13Compliance with Russian and international sustainability standards and initiatives
GRI 2‑28In its operations, Nornickel is guided by provisions of international and national standards, guidelines and initiatives on sustainability, implements new approaches and mechanisms in this domain, and relies on, applies, and helps spread international and industry best practices.
Roadmap for compliance with international standards: implementation
Based on a 2022 independent assessment of Nornickel’s mining assets readiness for the IRMA certification, the Company developed and coordinated with relevant units a draft roadmap of corrective actions to ensure compliance with the IRMA requirements.
Also, in 2023, the Company completed activities of the ICMM compliance roadmap, including calculation of Scope 3 GHG emissions (upstream), approved an updated Corporate Trust Line Procedure, assessed the performance of the grievance mechanism, and installed small‑scale monitoring stations for online monitoring of air quality in Norilsk and Monchegorsk.

In addition, the Company’s production, transportation and R&D assets are subject to regular certification and surveillance audits for compliance with ISO international standards related to quality management, environmental management, labour protection, and information security.
Nornickel’s ESG ratings
The recognition from the expert community with high scores in environmental protection, social policy, and corporate governance serves as a testament to our continuous improvement and implementation of cutting‑edge initiatives in sustainability.