Highlights and results

Highlights and results

7.5 mt of CO2 equivalent
Actual GHG emissions (Scope 1 and 2)
2.2 mt of CO2 equivalent
Sulphur Programme GHG emissions provision (Scope 1)
5.1 mt of CO2 equivalent
GHG emissions, downstream Scope 3
1.3 mt of CO2 equivalent
GHG emissions, upstream Scope 3
Global Warming Potential (100 years) based on ISO 14044, g of СО2 equivalent per g of metalGroup data for 2023, including foreign companies of Kola Division.
Pd — 28.6
Pt — 29.2
Rh — 40.0
Global Warming Potential (100 years) based on ISO 14044, kg of CO2 equivalent per kg of metal in productGroup data for 2023, including foreign companies of Kola Division.
Metallic Ni 8.5
Ni sulphate 2.4
Metallic Co 1.9
Co sulphate 6.0
Cu cathodes 43.2
Buildings and Structures Monitoring System project:
>950  facilities
connected to the information and diagnostics monitoring system, including:
218  facilities —
use automated monitoring
Group‑wide share of power from renewable sources
share of renewables in total power and fuel consumption across the Group
RUB 5.1  bn —
expenses to run climate action initiativesIncluding energy efficiency and setting up the monitoring system for buildings and structures built on permafrost.

Corporate climate agenda: key results and plans

2022 – results 2023 – results Key short‑term plans
  • Approaches to climate change risks and opportunities assessment developed
  • With the support of climate scientists of the Russian Academy of Sciences, climate change modelling performed across the Company’s footprint through 2050, key climate change risk factors identified and pilot assessment completed to evaluate their impact on the production assets of Norilsk, Kola, Trans‑Baikal and Energy Divisions
  • International best practices in climate change risk adaptation for various cities and companies
  • Proprietary scenarios for global economy and climate change developed by Nornickel
  • Register of transition risks and opportunities compiled with their pilot assessment
  • Scenario analysis of the consolidated financial and economic model completed in line with the global economic and climate change scenarios
  • Amendments to the Company’s guidelines prepared in connection with climate change risk management (including the Risk Management Regulations)
  • Methodology developed to calculate the internal carbon price
  • Testing of internal carbon price launched for the purposes of assessing investment projects
  • Upstream Scope 3 GHG emissions calculated for the first time
  • Possible options analysed for the development of in‑house power generation facilities up to 2050 based on low‑carbon technologies
  • Training on climate change and climate change risks provided to more than 200 employees at the Head Office and in the divisions
  • Group‑wide GHG emissions data and carbon footprint of products for 2022 verified by TÜV AUSTRIA Standards & Compliance, an international testing, inspection and certification company
  • Methodologies for calculating direct GHG emissions and indirect energy‑related GHG emissions developed and validated by an international verifier for the Company’s internal accounting purposes
  • A report on Nornickel’s GHG emissions submitted to the Russian Ministry of Economic Development with a view to adding relevant data to the registry of GHG emissionsIn accordance with Federal Law No. 296-FZ On Limiting Greenhouse Gas Emissions dated 2 July 2021.
  • The Environmental and Climate Change Strategy updated, and the key focus areas of carbon neutrality draftedBoth documents were approved by the Company’s Board of Directors in 2024.
  • Implementation of the roadmap to comply with the TCFD recommendations (approved in 2021) completed
  • The concept for assessing climate change risks reviewed by the Risk Management Committee of the Management Board
  • Adaptation and mitigation approaches developed for transition risks and for physical risks (including with respect to individual production assets)
  • The first ever climate change report published
  • Statistics of historical values for climate risk factors retrieved starting from the 1960s
  • GHG emission issues included in the scope of the Company’s supplier due diligence
  • The corporate methodology for assessing the carbon footprint of products harmonised with the industry‑wide model
  • Cooperation with the Siberian Federal University started to develop approaches to running the Company’s nature‑based climate solution project
  • An innovative approach developed to use waste generated by core operations for the purposes of absorbing CO2
  • The professional competency model updated in the area of sustainable development, including by adding climate change issues to the assessment framework
  • Climate change workshops held for the Company’s employees
  • The 28th UN Climate Change Conference (COP28) attended
  • Group‑wide GHG emissions data and carbon footprint of products for 2023 verified by TÜV AUSTRIA Standards & Compliance, an international testing, inspection and certification company
  • Russia’s first corporate system for background monitoring of permafrost soils unveiled on the Taimyr Peninsula
  • Submit to the Sustainable Development and Climate Change Committee of the Board of Directors a concept for assessing climate change risks
  • Develop a Climate Change Action Plan through 2025 in furtherance of the completed roadmap to comply with the TCFD recommendations. The Action Plan shall provide for:
    • update of in‑house scenarios for global economy and climate change;
    • implementation of a system for monitoring climate risk factors and events caused by such factors;
    • development of a system for monitoring buildings and structures erected on permafrost soil and for background monitoring of permafrost;
    • creation of a corporate training course on climate change.
  • Develop a list of measures to reduce and/or offset greenhouse gas emissions