OHS control and prevention
Nornickel regularly implements prevention and control activities to avert work‑related injuries.

The Company has in place the Cardinal Safety Rules mandatory for all staff members. Failure to abide by them leads to employee dismissal. In 2023, 50 employees were fired for breaking the Cardinal Safety Rules.
Occupational health and safety competitions
In 2023, results of individual competitions were announced with the following awards granted:
1 person
5 people
1 person
5 people
Nornickel has a corporate standard on organising team and individual OHS competitions for representatives of all the Group companies.
Team competitions are held across seven groups of Nornickel’s production facilities.
During individual competitions, participants demonstrate their accomplishments in implementing initiatives, improvements, ensuring zero accident and injury rates, contributing to production, engaging personnel in OHS activities, and raising awareness.

Occupational health and safety communication
Nornickel runs an ongoing Safe Labour communications programme.
In 2023, the Company worked to develop a new communications programme to foster safety culture dubbed Life and Safety – Work Environment providing for a unified internal communications system to inform employees. We plan to use dedicated apps, groups and chats to regularly publish posts on OHS, including guides, description of various workplace situations, statistics, process flows, as well as trainings and tests to check the users’ knowledge.
Broad media coverage of occupational safety topics is designed to shift employees’ mindsets and augment their vested interest in their work safety. This strategic approach helps minimise injury, occupational disease, and workplace accident rates.