Training programmes
Nornickel's contribution to the Education National Project
Relevant UN SDGs
Related federal projects
Young Professionals
New Opportunities for Everyone
Social Mobility for Everyone
Key initiatives and focus areas
Staff training and development programmes, including the development of the Nornickel Academy educational platform
Corporate scholarships for university students and internships with the Group companies
Grants for educational institutions and projects through the World of New Opportunities charity programme (for more details, please see the Development of Local Communities section) section)
Nornickel relies on an ecosystem‑based approach to staff training, emphasising continuous learning to achieve high professional performance and unlock employee potential.
When developing and updating strategic and operational training plans and programmes, the Company considers its own needs and priorities, as well as the input and suggestions of internal stakeholders. Training initiatives cover various employee categories, including potential candidates.
Key personnel training indicators GRI 404‑1
The reduction in expenditures in 2023 was due to the increased availability of training programmes at Nornickel Academy and changes in the mix of training initiatives. Cascading management programmes from top to middle management also helped drive costs down.
The reporting year saw a structural shift towards internal training driven by the development of the Nornickel Academy platform as the number of its registered users surpassed 81,000 individuals.
The share of employees who received training grew further to 94.8% of the headcount, covering over 75,000 employees.
The split between remote and face‑to‑face training formats remained unchanged from the previous year at 70% and 30% respectively.

Training Strategy for 2022–2025 GRI 404‑2
In 2023, Nornickel continued the implementation of its Training Strategy for 2022–2025 with a focus on flexible, personalised, and forward‑looking lifelong learning. The Company is gradually embracing digital platforms and networks to enhance educational opportunities.
Key training ecosystem elements
Manager: a role model for employees (mentor, coach, career and development sponsor)
Flexible learning environment: digital and in‑person learning environments for an informed choice
Continuous learning culture: learning as a fundamental principle and a tool for achieving the desired results, development as a driver of personal fulfilment and career growth
I like to be a mentor. I am more than happy to share my knowledge and skills with young talents and new hires. I believe that mentorship is an excellent tool for supporting and nurturing your co‑workers.
Extensive practical experience and regular training sessions where we gain valuable knowledge and learn new tools help us arrange the process in the most efficient manner.
Andrey Khvalchev,
equipment maintenance and repair technician, grade 5, Mining Equipment Service Department, Pechengastroy (length of service with the Company – 42 years)
In my 34 years with the Company, I have participated in the Best Electric and Gas Welders competition on several occasions. This means a lot to me, as professional skills competitions are an important growth point and a tool to test the knowledge and skills of professionals from all walks of life. They also provide a fascinating opportunity to exchange experiences and learn more about best practices.
Participation in such competitions inspires all of us to take a more diligent and responsible approach to our job duties and continuously improve our qualifications.Vasily Vansovich,
electric and gas welder, grade 5, Norilsknickelremont Maintenance and Construction (length of service with the Company – 34 years)
Training Strategy progress in 2023: priorities and achievements by focus area
Managing qualification levels
Professional training at Nornickel covers all personnel categories. In 2023, over 65% of our employees improved their qualifications and professional expertise. Face‑to‑face training was predominantly used for blue‑collar workers, while distant learning was the preferred format for white‑collar employees.
In 2023, a modular approach was incorporated into Nornickel's professional training practice, enabling internal business clients to participate in shaping learning tracks with a focus on comprehensive training and multiskilling. In line with the modular approach, 10 modular group training programmes were designed specifically for the Company's core jobs.
A unified automated system is in place to monitor professional competencies development, plan online testing of employees, and store test results. It also tracks any violations during the testing process and analyses examinee behaviour.
The Company is focused on attracting young talent and actively collaborates with universities and vocational schools. In 2023, the following initiatives were implemented:
- A five-party agreement was signed to implement the Professionalitet federal project, which involves the establishment of the Kola Metals and Mining Education and Production Centre in Monchegorsk with the participation of vocational schools.
- A roadmap was developed to create a Metals Educational Cluster in Norilsk, involving Nornickel, universities, and vocational schools.
- Twelve Company-specific competencies were added to the educational programmes of the Polar State University, with three new programmes developed.
- Collaboration between the Polar State University and Polar Division was launched to establish a centre for permafrost studies and deep horizon technologies.
- The process of organising student internships and practical training was improved, resulting in an increased number of interns. In 2023, the Company’s facilities welcomed 516 interns enrolled as part of our Career Start programme. Additionally, over 200 interns were enrolled as part of the Polar College project. TheConquerors of the North online course for aspiring engineers and business management professionals attracted 2,724 participants. The First Arctic leadership programme saw its third enrolment of talented university graduates who can follow an accelerated career growth path and become first-line managers within 2.5 years (in 2023, over 4,000 applications were received and 20 finalists employed).
- During the summer period, student construction brigadeswere set up for future miners, metal workers, power engineers, and mechanics. This initiative offers students an opportunity to get first-hand experience in their chosen professions, bridge the gap between theoretical knowledge and practical skills, and work with advanced industry-specific equipment. In 2023, a total of 130 students from the Siberian Federal University, the Polar State University, and the Polytechnic College of the Polar State University joined the construction brigades.
To facilitate career guidance for children, the Nornickel’s City of Professions encyclopedia-type platform was created. It features an interactive map, specifically designed for schoolchildren, with three cities (Norilsk, Dudinka, Monchegorsk), 13 districts, and descriptions of 147 professions, offering a career aptitude test that provides personalised results highlighting strengths and weaknesses, along with recommendations, accessible through a personal account. The platform serves several target audiences, including schoolchildren, their parents, and career counsellors, and contributes to making informed decisions about future professions.
The Tsifronikel.Junior platform offers five-minute gamified lessons on topics such as cybersecurity, unmanned vehicles, and ecology specifically designed for schoolchildren aged 8 to 12 years old. Currently, the service has over 850 users.
The Company also implements projects that familiarise children with various professions, educational institutions, and the city. They involve guided tours to the facilities of the Company’s Polar Division and Kola MMC, as well as to the Sulphur Programme showroom, career tracks (visits to universities and vocational schools), and meetings with professionals during events such as the Nornickel Hour and Nornickel Lessons.
Developing corporate competencies and assisting managers in adapting to leadership roles
The Company invests in developing and enhancing a strong management team through continuous training of all managers. In 2023, a Leadership School programme was launched specifically for middle management. It covers three main focus areas: understanding one’s leadership role, mastering advanced management practices, tools, and approaches, and gaining experience in cross‑functional collaboration. In 2023, a total of 356 leaders completed the programme.
For managers and employees at all levels who underwent a 360‑degree competency assessment, a 360‑Degree Management programme for corporate and leadership competencies development was implemented in the reporting year. Participants had the autonomy to choose learning topics based on the results of the 360‑degree assessment, discussions with their supervisors, and individual development plans. The programme stands out for its format, which combines interactive training sessions, business simulations, and the practical review of real management cases. A total of 59 in‑person training sessions were conducted in Moscow, Norilsk, and Monchegorsk, with the participation of 1,081 employees. Furthermore, as part of the programme, all Company employees were also offered nine online workshops catering to skill development needs and garnering over 3,500 views.
Succession planning
To ensure a robust talent pipeline, the Company develops succession plans for all managerial positions on an annual basis.
In 2023, the Company’s talent committees identified the its first‑ever list of employees with critical competencies.
High‑potential employees selected by the committees were offered to join a mentorship programme. In 2023, leaders from the Company’s Top 100 positions, trained and CCE‑accredited by the ICF, served as mentors and conducted 40 mentoring sessions.
In 2023, there was a significant increase in the percentage of internal appointments to the Top 100 positions. Out of 19 vacancies, 18 were filled from the Company's internal talent pool.
To support employee growth and development, the Company launched a Career Counselling service, offering individual career consultations. Employees can use the Company's corporate resources to schedule appointments with 38 dedicated career counsellors available through the service.
Developing physical learning environment
Every year, Nornickel’s infrastructure for employee training evolves to prioritise practical learning experiences. In 2023, the Company set up two fully‑equipped lean production laboratories in Norilsk and Monchegorsk, and an advanced simulator in Talnakh enabling employees to hone more than 25 core skills related to working at heights. Over a span of four months, the simulator helped train more than 2,000 employees.
The Corporate University’s training base at Kayerkansky's Anhydride mine trains skilled professionals for complex mining operations at metals and mining facilities. In 2023, the underground training base made it to the country's Top 15 industrial tourism destinations.
The new building of the Corporate University’s branch in Monchegorsk became a key venue for holding training sessions (with over 1,000 individuals trained) and professional skill competitions as well as hosting various corporate events.
Nornickel Academy development
The Nornickel Academy learning platform became a familiar development tool for 81% of the Company's employees, who completed over 221,000 courses through the platform. The academy offers training courses for employees to enhance their professional and managerial competencies, while also providing insights into the latest trends in education, along with specific tools and recommendations. A collaborative effort with partners is underway to develop a reading room that currently offers over 10,000 freely available books to employees.
Fostering a continuous learning culture
In addition to developing physical and digital learning environments, the Company fosters a culture of continuous learning through various educational initiatives (such as Library Night, Each Day Is a Knowledge Day, New Life Starting on Monday, Tribune, Listen, It's Top Stuff (podcast), as well as open lectures and workshops).
Developing critical competencies: digital proficiency, occupational health and safety (OHS), and sustainability (ESG)
In 2023, the share of training dedicated to the development of critical competencies accounted for 50% of the overall training. All employee categories were covered by training programmes focusing on areas of digital proficiency, occupational health and safety (OHS), and sustainability (ESG).
To enrich employees' theoretical and practical knowledge in the field of ESG, online training courses (such as Sustainable Development, and Environmental Protection and Sustainable Use of Natural Resources) were designed and made accessible through the Nornickel Academy platform.
As part of the Digital Investor programme implementation in 2023, the Company prioritised, among other things, the development of financial literacy among its personnel. To this end, a series of webinars on topics covering effective financial management and goal achievement as well as investment fundamentals were conducted for all Group employees. The webinar materials were uploaded to the Nornickel learning platform, ensuring easy access and availability for all employees.
Training takes centre stage among Nornickel's HR services, alongside recruitment, motivation, and compensation realms. Based on the research conducted in 2023, the level of internal clients’ satisfaction (NPS index) with training reached 88%, up 4 p.p. y‑o‑y.
In 2023, the Company continued the transformation of its training system, encompassing the following initiatives:
- implementing the SAP Learning Solution module and automating processes;
- enhancing productivity by embracing lean manufacturing principles and identifying business processes gaps;
- integrating the Monchegorsk branch into the unified system of the Corporate University;
- rebranding the Corporate University.
Nornickel's youth ecosystem
In light of the scarcity of highly skilled professionals in the mining sector, waning interest in engineering careers, a shrinking working‑age population, technological complexities, and emerging trends, Nornickel has reimagined its strategies for employee training and engagement. The Company is building an innovative infrastructure (ecosystem) to bring about long‑term improvements in the quality of life in the Polar regions, addressing its immediate employee training and motivation needs and creating a positive vision for the future.
By attracting new talent to the industry, enhancing employee competencies, and nurturing a pipeline of candidates eager to build careers in metals and mining, Nornickel has created a seamless candidate journey, spanning from school to university students and further to young professionals, all within the framework of a unified ecosystem.
As part of this educational ecosystem, Nornickel is developing multifaceted programmes tailored to various age groups, ranging from 5 to 35 years old. By employing state‑of‑the‑art training methodologies such as community building, gamification, and accelerators, the Company is fostering a purposeful choice of pursuing engineering professions.
The development of a youth ecosystem has yielded notable outcomes, including an increase in student enrolment in educational institutions in the Arctic region, a rise in the number of CVs received by the Company, and the improvement in the employee engagement index among young professionals.
Multiple programmes implemented to engage school students, university students, and young employees are designed to be further systematised, harmonised and integrated into a unified ecosystem in collaboration with universities, vocational schools, regional authorities, and other stakeholders.