Development of local communities
The Group’s key areas of operation in Russia




Pechengsky Municipal District, Murmansk Region (Zapolyarny)

Gazimuro-Zavodsky District, Trans-Baikal Territory
As one of the largest backbone companies in the metals and mining sector beyond the Arctic Circle, Nornickel seeks to make a systemic contribution to the social and economic development of the regions where it operates and public well-being through the important infrastructure projects. The Company’s intentions are outlined in its Sustainable Social Development Strategy through 2030. Our goals, KPIs, and relevant measures are focused on ensuring leadership in shaping the industry’s social agenda and a new quality of life for local residents and indigenous peoples.
Key focus areas for the development of local communities
- Budget payments
- Employment of local population
- Cooperation development
- Development of social infrastructure as part of the Group operations (power, transport)
- Systemic implementation of charitable programmes
- Promotion of sports and culture
- Corporate volunteering
- Vocational training sponsorship
- Activities of territorial development agencies
- Housing construction
- Land improvement
- Bridge and road reconstruction
- Construction and reconstruction of educational, healthcare, sports, cultural, and entertainment facilities
- Provision of access to high-speed internet connection in Norilsk
- Improvement of efficiency of utility services (Smart City initiative)