About the Report.
20th anniversary of Nornickel’s sustainability reports
GRI 2‑1, 2‑3, 2‑4, 2‑5The 2023 Sustainability Report (the “Report”) is the 20th public non‑financial report prepared by MMC Norilsk Nickel and addressed to a wide range of stakeholders.
by the Board of Directors
of MMC Norilsk Nickel
Minutes No. GMK/12-pr-sd dated 22.05.2024
by the Management Board
of MMC Norilsk Nickel
Minutes No. GMK/8-pr-p dated 02.05.2024
by Sustainable Development and Climate Change Committee
of MMC Norilsk Nickel
Minutes No.3 dated 15.05.2024
Standards and guidances
This Report has been prepared in accordance with the GRI Standards (2021) and discloses the Company’s contribution to the UN Sustainable Development Goals up to 2030. In producing the Report, the following documents were also used:
- Order of the Ministry of Economic Development of Russia No. 764 On Approval of Methodological Recommendations for Sustainability Reporting dated 1 November 2023;
- Bank of Russia’s Information Letter No. IN‑06‑28/49 On Recommendations for Public Joint‑Stock Companies to Disclose Non‑Financial Information Regarding Their Operations dated 12 July 2021;
- SASB Metals & Mining Sustainability Accounting Standard (2021);
- UNCTAD Guidance on core indicators for entity reporting on contribution towards implementation of the UN Sustainable Development Goals;
- recommendations of the Task Force on Climate‑Related Financial Disclosures (TCFD);
- AccountAbility Standards AA1000SES (2015) and AA1000AP (2018).
In 2023, the Company analysed its readiness to adopt the provisions of IFRS S2 Climate‑related Disclosures, with a plan put in place to make relevant disclosures. The Appendix contains information on disclosures that we piloted in line with the formats set out in IFRS S2. The above should not be treated as a statement of compliance set out in paragraph 72 of IFRS S1 General Requirements for Disclosure of Sustainability‑related Financial Information.
Reporting boundaries
The Report covers operations of the Norilsk Nickel Group companies. For the purposes of this Report, Norilsk Nickel Group shall refer to MMC Norilsk Nickel and the entirety of operations of the Norilsk Nickel Group companies. Unless otherwise specified or required by the context, the terms “Company”, “Group”, “Nornickel” or “the Group companies” shall refer to Norilsk Nickel Group.
The Report contains information about MMC Norilsk Nickel’s operations for the reporting period from 1 January 2023 to 31 December 2023, which is the same as the Group’s financial reporting period. The Report contains important facts that are outside of the scope of the reporting period, as well as the Company’s short, medium, and long‑term plans.
The content of the Report has been determined in accordance with the requirements of the applicable standards and guidelines, with the Company’s stakeholders engaged in the process. For details about material topics and the procedure for defining them, please see the Definition of Material Topics appendix. Quantitative indicators for material topics of sustainable development are disclosed for the Group’s specific operations in accordance with the Reporting Boundaries appendix.
Approval and external assurance
This Report has undergone independent professional assurance of the disclosures’ compliance with the GRI Standards, TCFD Recommendations, and passed public verification procedure.
The Report has been approved by MMC Norilsk Nickel’s Management Board and Board of Directors.
Other sources of information about Norilsk Nickel Group
Artistic Perspectives of Exploration: The Explorer and the Artist
On an annual basis, Nornickel organises research expeditions on a scale and breadth that can rival the best research projects of the past years. In 2023–2024, the Company supported the idea of the “Artistic Perspectives of Exploration: The Explorer and the Artist” awareness raising project as the first ever consistent effort to rethink research in the Arctic using cultural contexts and artistic images. This Report features pictures by the Russian artists Anatoly Shulzhinsky, Vladimir Meshkov, Boris Molchanov, Sergey Morozov, Emilia Goncharova, Motyumyaku Turdagin, Alexey Savanin, Alexander Abakumov, Alexander Sorokin, Anatoly Borodin, Anis Kronidova, Ulle Meister, Alexey Malinsky, Viktor Ogienko, Valery Kostarinov, Vladimir Malichev, Valery Kudrinsky, Vasily Denisov, Galiulla Fayzullin, Igor Senki, Ivan Karnaukhov, Maria Zaikina, Maria Ivanova, Nikolay Laptukov, Nikolay Loy, Nikolay Sivenkov, Nikolay Botulu, Oleg Kompaniets, Olga Rybnikova, Yuri Karachev.