Disclosure under Order of the Ministry of Economic Development of Russia No. 764 dated 1 November 2023

No. Disclosure Unit of measurement 2021 2022 2023 Source Comments
Economic indicators
1 Revenue RUB bn 1,316.9 1,184.5 1,231.7 2023 Sustainability Report, UNCTAD Guidance on core indicators for entity reporting on contribution towards implementation of the UN SDGs TCFD disclosures
2 Added value RUB bn 901.2 891.4 825.4
3 Net added value RUB bn 833.1 817.7 736.8
4 Total expenditure on research and development RUBmln 241.43 84.3 198.8
5 Labour productivity The indicator is not disclosed. The Company will consider disclosing this information within three years.

Total mandatory payments accrued (excludubg fines and penalties), including:

  • taxes and levies
  • insurance contributions
  • other mandatory payments
RUB bn

Total mandatory payments paid (excluding fines and penalties), including:

  • taxes and levies
  • insurance contributions
  • other mandatory payments
RUB bn 287 262 281 2023 Sustainability Report, Contribution to the economic development of local communities The Report presents tax and non‑tax payments to budgets of various levels.
8 Domestically sourced goods, work, and services in total procurement of goods, work, and services % 96 95 99

2021 Sustainability Report, page 252

2022 Sustainability Report, page 319

2023 Sustainability Report, UNCTAD Guidance on core indicators for entity reporting on contribution towards implementation of the UN SDGs TCFD disclosures

Data is collected for materials and supplies only.

As for other procurement categories, there is no centralised data collection broken down by the location of suppliers.

9 Procurement of goods, works, and services from small and medium‑sized businesses in total procurement from Russian companies % The Development of Local Communities section discloses information on the Company’s expenses associated with procurement from suppliers in the key regions of operation.
10 Sustainable investment (including green investment) RUB bn 103.7 130.4 141.8 2023 Sustainability Report, Development of local communities, Environmental management Operating environmental expenditure and capital investments to ensure environmental protection and sustainable use of natural resources
11 Investments in projects related to achieving technological sovereignty and structural adaptation of the Russian economy RUB bn The indicator is not disclosed. The Company will consider disclosing this information within three years.
12 Economic exposure of business and other operations to climate risks
Environmental indicators
13 Water used from all water supply sources mcm 1,280.8 1,345.9 1,291.9 2023 Sustainability Report, GRI quantitative indicators disclosure
14 Recirculating and recycling water supply









2023 Sustainability Report, GRI quantitative indicators disclosure
15 Total effluents, including untreated water mcm







2023 Sustainability Report, GRI quantitative indicators disclosure
16 Water use efficiency (per unit consumption) mcm / RUB bn 1.5 1.6 1.7 Estimated value (item 13 ÷ item 3)

Total generated waste of hazard classes 1–5, including:

  • hazard class 1
  • hazard class 2
  • hazard class 3
  • hazard class 4
  • hazard class 5
kt 156,416.09 166,277.8 176,894.4

2021 Sustainability Report, page 240.

2022 Sustainability Report, page 337‑338.

2023 Sustainability Report, GRI quantitative indicators disclosure

For more details on waste generation by hazard class, please see the GRI Quantitative Indicators Disclosure appendix

Total management of waste of hazard classes 1–5, including:

  • disposed of waste
  • neutralised waste
  • landfilled waste
  • reused waste
  • recycled waste
  • reduction of waste generation
kt 29,464.9 34,540.7 35,055.1

2021 Sustainability Report, page 240.

2022 Sustainability Report, page 337‑338.

2023 Sustainability Report, GRI quantitative indicators disclosure

Waste handed over for economic utilisation and eliminated (disposed of, neutralised, or landfilled at intragroup facilities or by contractors). For a breakdown by category, please see the GRI Quantitative Indicators Disclosure appendix
19 Air pollutant emissions from stationary sources kt 1,646.9 1,819.4 1,707.7 2023 Sustainability Report, GRI quantitative indicators disclosure
20 Greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions mt of СO 2 equivalent 10.3 9.9 9.7 2023 Sustainability Report, Greenhouse gas emissions and carbon footprint of products Scope 1 and 2 (including a GHG emissions provision for the Sulphur Programme and GHG emissions generated from heat and electricity supply to households)

Total environmental protection expenditure, including:

  • air protection and climate change prevention
  • wastewater collection and treatment
  • waste management
  • preservation of biodiversity and protection of natural areas
RUB bn 18.1 34.4 37.8 2023 Sustainability Report, Environmental management Operating environmental protection expenditures
22 Renewable and low‑carbon energy consumption TJ, % 47 51 55 2023 Sustainability Report, Energy consumption and efficiency
23 Energy efficiency: energy consumption per unit of net added value TJ / RUB ‘000 0.19 0.18 0.19 2023 Sustainability Report, UNCTAD Guidance on core indicators for entity reporting on contribution towards implementation of the UN SDGs TCFD disclosures
Social indicators
24 Total labour expenses RUB mln 164,740 224,512 234,869 Consolidated Financial Statements for the years ended 31 December 2023, 2022, 2021, page 61
25 Total average headcount, including employees with disabilities '000 employees 73.6 78.4 80.6 2023 Sustainability Report, HR management Number of employees with special needs is not disclosed

Total average payroll, including:

  • by position
  • by gender
  • by age
RUB ’000 145.1 182.5 184.1 2023 Sustainability Report, Highlights and results Average payroll by position, gender, age is disclosed starting from 2023 (Incentives and rewards)
27 Total occupational health and safety expenses, including average per employee

RUB bn

RUB ’000







2023 Sustainability Report, OHS system development and mitigation of key risks
28 Expenditure on preparing and holding social, sports and recreation and healthcare events for employees and their family members RUB mln 13,158 15,254 16,442 2023 Sustainability Report, Social policy
29 Injuries with lost time of one working day or more and fatalities, including fatalities









2023 Sustainability Report, GRI quantitative indicators disclosure
30 Total expenditure on employee training, including average per employee

RUB mln

RUB ’000







2023 Sustainability Report, Training programmes
31 Average number of training hours per year per employee by position 69.2 85 88 2023 Sustainability Report, Training programmes
32 Share of employees covered by collective bargaining agreements in the average headcount % 94.0 94.4 94.0 2023 Sustainability Report, Social partnership framework
33 Employee turnover % 12.2 10.5 11.4 2023 Sustainability Report, HR management

Total expenses associated with social programmes not aimed at employees and their family members, including:

  • charitable
  • housing
  • healthcare
  • educational
  • social assistance
RUB bn 40.5 34.3 27.3 2023 Sustainability Report, Development of local communities Nornickel’s social infrastructure, social, charity, and sponsorship expenses (excluding expenses related to social programmes and benefits for employees). For a breakdown of expense items, please see Development of local communities
Governance indicators
35 Sustainable development policy and/or other relevant strategic documents in place Yes Yes Yes

2021 Sustainability Report, page 23‑34.

2022 Sustainability Report, page 230‑234.

2023 Sustainability Report, Sustainability management

36 Number and attendance of Board of Directors meetings %







2021 Sustainability Report, page 253.

2022 Sustainability Report, page 323.

2023 Sustainability Report, Corporate governance framework

37 Total number of directors, including by age groups people 13 13 13

2021 Sustainability Report, page 171.

2022 Sustainability Report, page 224.

2023 Sustainability Report, Corporate governance framework

For more details on the Board of Directors, please see the Company’s annual reports
38 Number and attendance of the Audit Committee meetings







2021 Sustainability Report, page 253.

2022 Sustainability Report, page 323.

2023 Sustainability Report, UNCTAD Guidance on core indicators for entity reporting on contribution towards implementation of the UN SDGs TCFD disclosures

39 Participation in ESG indices and ratings Yes Yes Yes

2021 Sustainability Report, page 34.

2022 Sustainability Report, page 234.

2023 Sustainability Report, Sustainability management

40 Violations of the rights of Russia’s indigenous minorities 0 0 0

2021 Sustainability Report, page 150.

2022 Sustainability Report, page 186.

2023 Sustainability Report, Interaction with indigenous peoples

41 Employees occupying positions with a high degree of corruption risk exposure The indicator is not disclosed. The Company will consider disclosing this information within three years.
42 Average hours of training on anti‑corruption issues per year per employee hours No records are kept on the length (in hours) of anti‑corruption training.
43 Administrative sanctions against the organisation, its subsidiaries, and affiliates for corruption 0 0 0

2021 Sustainability Report, page 196.

2022 Sustainability Report, page252.

2023 Sustainability Report, Business ethics and anti-corruption

44 Share of women in managerial positions in the total number of managers, including in the Board of Directors









2023 Sustainability Report, Highlights and results, HR management