Improving the well-being of local communities
The Company creates conditions and opportunities for people in the regions of operation to unlock their personal potential, improve living standards, make urban environment and its institutions more attractive, and many more. Key priorities in this area are supporting local social and charitable initiatives, encouraging collaboration among people, and building social capital. To meet people’s needs and factor in their interests and views more accurately, the Company maintains an ongoing dialogue with local communities through surveys, negotiations, conferences, forums, meetings, working sessions, joint task forces, and standing committees.
In 2023, the City Life Index developed by VEB.RF and its partners included 218 Russian cities, with assessments covering 11 focus areas and calculations made for more than 300 indicators.
Improving the city life index is one of the KPIs set out in the Company’s Sustainable Social Development Strategy.
Nornickel’s contribution to Russia’s national projects
Culture national project
Related federal projects
Cultural environment
Creative individuals
Key initiatives and focus areas
Construction and reconstruction of cultural and entertainment facilities
Support and development of social and cultural projects
World of Taimyr grant competition
Contributing to preservation of national traditions and culture of indigenous northern peoples
Support of professional sports
Tourism and Hospitality Industry national project
Related federal projects
Tourist infrastructure development
More affordable tourist products
Key initiatives and focus areas
Covering round‑trip travel to a holiday destination for employees in the Far North and equivalent areas, and their families, including associated baggage feesFor more details, please see the Social Policy section
Projects of the Norilsk Development Agency, the Monchegorsk Development Agency and the Second School Centre to promote tourism and recreation initiatives
Implementation of tourism investment projects Valla Tunturi and Zatundra
Valla Tunturi and Zatundra tourism investment projects
MMC Norilsk Nickel provides assistance in the construction of the Valla Tunturi tourist and recreation cluster. The central part of Valla Tunturi is located in close proximity to the natural areas of the Rybachy and Sredny peninsulas.
The plan is to complete the construction of additional rooms and a bathing facility and commission them in 2024.
Zatundra, another project where Nornickel is involved, focuses on the construction of infrastructure for nature tourism on the Taimyr Peninsula, primarily around the Putorana Plateau. The infrastructure facilities (two tourist locations, namely Neralakh and Lama park hotels spanning an area of over 200 ha with a combined hotel capacity of up to 73 rooms and all required infrastructure facilities, a network of hiking and water routes for nature and expedition tourism, and related engineering and tourist infrastructure such as piers, helipads, and observation decks) will be located outside the Putoransky Nature Reserve. Zatundra will enable Norilsk residents to pick weekend packages or spend a week’s holiday on the Taimyr Peninsula. Visitors to the region will gain access to comfortable tourist infrastructure and services, along with safe routes in the north of the Krasnoyarsk Territory. The hotels will be constructed from environmentally friendly materials and will feature modern water treatment systems and facilities powered by alternative energy sources.
World of New Opportunities charitable programme
GRI 203‑1, 203‑2We run World of New Opportunities, a charitable programme to encourage and promote sustainable development of local communities. The programme is designed to improve soft skills in local communities, demonstrate and introduce new social technologies, support and promote public initiatives, and encourage cross‑sector partnerships.
Goal: support of public initiatives and development of local territories through building partnerships.
School Break educational project
Goal: bringing together all parties involved in the educational process (children, parents, and teachers) to promote development of local communities, and to support student and teacher initiatives.
In 2023, the programme sought to integrate the school into the SchoolUniversity-Business educational cluster and to significantly raise awareness about urban professions and opportunities in the region:
- as part of the School Break.Urban marathon, school teams developed project ideas for social and urban design and community development, visited non‑profit organisations, and communicated with corporate volunteers and the Company’s employees;
- the teams presented their ideas during the summer course of the School Break.Urban Academy. The schoolchildren could participate in the business game Battle of Professions, visit Gipronickel Institute and environmental hubs, and see the creative spaces of St Petersburg;
- teachers from the Murmansk Region were offered an opportunity to do an internship in Moscow.
We Are the City! social technologies forum
Goal: coming together to discuss social issues, share experiences, and present socially significant case studies.
In 2023, the forum was hosted by Zapolyarny. The event featured interactive talk show “Pechengsky District: Develop or Leave?”, a workshop, a documentary performance, and a project session on ways to improve life quality in the Pechengsky District. Participants of the Community and Entrepreneurship tracks explored the latest trends in service economy, creative industries and responsible consumption, and studied successful business practices in the Murmansk Region.

We Are the City! picnic
Goal: enabling contacts between city residents, promoting healthy lifestyle, presenting social projects in the realm of responsible consumption and environment.
In 2023, the main theme of the picnic was the wheel of life balance. Participants were offered to visit sports areas (rugby, table football, orienteering) and take part in creative workshops, silent dance flash mob, watching and discussion of social short films.
Significant support was given to environmental initiatives, including creation in Monchegorsk of a drop‑off point for recyclable materials and equipment that could be transferred to people in need.

We Are the City! social engineering workshop
Goal: taking participants all the way through from idea generation to project implementation.
In 2023, the Company invited residents of the villages of Lovozero and Krasnoshchelye to take part in the social engineering workshop. During the training session, they learned about the theory of social design, and assessed the efficiency and relevance of social projects developed to address pressing local issues. At the festival of social campaigns (the closing event of the workshop), participants presented projects such as literary promenade, motor vehicle exhibition, safe driving workshop, and the first rural karaoke tournament.
SVET ON youth forum
Goal: providing career guidance for schoolchildren, unlocking their potential and skills.
In 2023, the Company held the first SVET ON youth forum, bringing together schoolchildren aged 14–18 from the Gazimuro‑Zavodsky District, Monchegorsk, Nickel, and Norilsk to participate in educational entrepreneurship, volunteering, engineering, IT, and media technology programmes.
The SVET ON youth forum provides an example of partnership and synergies from the integration of corporate objectives.

Socially Responsible Initiatives Competition
Goal: supporting
In 2023, the winners of 2022 began implementing relevant public initiatives, with children’s groups, career guidance laboratories and classrooms opened, GEOpark launched, and a fire‑fighting station equipped on the shores of Lake Lama.
Additionally, in September 2023, we announced a new cycle of the competition and expanded its geography, with non‑profit organisations from Lovozero (Murmansk Region) taking part in the competition for the first time. The expert review board examined 371 applications and selected 194 finalists.
World of Taimyr project competition
Goal: creating conditions for the sustainable development of territories where Taimyr’s indigenous peoples traditionally reside.
In 2023, the World of Taimyr project competition was held for the second time. Prior to the start, the participants attended onsite training workshops, webinars, and master classes on filling out project applications. The Company joined forces with indigenous communities to develop guidelines on the principles and logic of social design. The guidelines are available in five languages of the indigenous peoples of the North.
18 winners were selected in 2023, including projects to set up an all‑season versatile sports and playground in the village of Khatanga, create a “winter road of life” to ensure safety for snowmobile drivers, introduce sorting of waste and its subsequent recycling, and others.

Travel Grant Competition
Goal: implementing new social technologies and public initiatives in Russian regions, strengthening social partnerships and interregional ties, enhancing professional competencies.
In 2023, participants of the Travel Grant Competition:
- completed internships and further training courses in Moscow, St Petersburg and Krasnoyarsk;
- attended conferences and forums in Suzdal, Salekhard, Yuzhno‑Sakhalinsk, St Petersburg and Moscow.
Goal: fostering of R&D creativity and the spirit of invention.
LIGA IMAKE engineering marathon
Goal: fostering and promoting engineering solutions and projects, unlocking research and creative potential in children and teenagers, shaping up a community of aspiring engineers and scientists.
In 2023, the engineering marathon was held for the fifth time, offering its participants the traditional competition for young inventors, on‑site camp shifts in Skolkovo and Vladivostok, invention exhibition IN’HUB Junior. Inventors of the Future, IMAKE mentor competition for graduates of the Inventors League, and the IMAKE.Mayevka festival of family inventions staged for the first time in Snezhnogorsk and at the Company’s Head Office in Moscow for the children of employees. At the end of the reporting year, an IMAKE PRO online course was launched for participants to submit their ideas to the Socially Responsible Initiatives Competition.
Winners of the IMAKE young inventors competition are offered an opportunity to participate in national and international exhibitions and contests. In 2023, young engineers and scientists participating on an individual basis and as part of teams won prizes of the International Young Inventors Awards and PowerTech.
Goal: growing service economy, improving business climate and creating opportunities for the development of small and medium‑sized businesses, including social entrepreneurship.
Business Projects Accelerator
Goal: boosting entrepreneurial initiative, accelerating development of business projects in the regions of operation, and enhancing entrepreneurs’ management skills.
For the past ten years, businesses have benefited from educational courses made available to them in various formats, as well as loans issued for small business development.
In December 2022, the Company and the Business School of the Russian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs launched a five‑month educational programme for entrepreneurs and non‑profit organisations. 15 business projects made it to the final investment session in April 2023, with nine selected as winners. RUB 49 mln and RUB 20 mln worth of interest‑free loans were issued to support nine projects in Norilsk and eight projects in the Murmansk Region, respectively. These funds will be used to implement initiatives in the fields of healthcare (aesthetics clinic, dental centre), tourism (local tourism agency, expansion of tourism services), and service provision (equipment and machinery repairs, barbershop, catering establishment).
In November 2023, Nornickel’s Polar Division launched an acceleration programme for the school and university students of Norilsk. The programme includes theoretical and hands‑on training courses, which are held from November 2023 to April 2024. The best startup projects will receive financial support in the form of grants from Nornickel’s Polar Division.
Goal: creating infrastructure for advanced development of service economy.
To achieve the above goal, relevant initiatives are grouped into four focus areas (business and investment, development and urban environment, tourism, social and cultural projects) and implemented by territorial development institutions, including Norilsk Development Agency, Second School Centre for Community Initiatives in the Pechengsky District, and Monchegorsk Development Agency.
Norilsk Development Agency
Business and investment
Supporting investment projects, including residents in the Arctic zone of the Russian Federation
As at the end of 2023, Norilsk Development Agency was supporting 72 investment projects, 27 of which have the Russian Arctic residency status. In 2023, the Russian Arctic residency status was assigned to investors who initiated projects to recycle rubber tyres, build a gravel factory, create a municipal snow dump, and open a fitness centre and a tourist base with berths for small boats and temporary accommodation for tourists in Norilsk.
Developing the Concept of Sustainable Waste Management in Norilsk and Taimyr
In 2023, Norilsk Development Agency engaged scientists and experts to draft a Concept of Sustainable Waste Management in the Taimyr and Norilsk hi‑tech zones of the Krasnoyarsk Territory. The concept sets out measures for environmental awareness‑raising campaigns, process solutions for building an eco‑industrial park in 2025–2026, and draft regulations and expert recommendations. A prospective land plot for the eco‑industrial park was agreed with the local authorities, with engineering surveys required for further project completed.
Promoting tech entrepreneurship among youth
In 2023, the Polar State University and IT‑cube.Norilsk partnered to establish a Centre for Digital Competencies at the Norilsk Industrial Engineering and Service College. 500 people joined the Polar State University’s Tech Entrepreneurship Accelerator, with a total of 50 projects developed. IT‑cube.Norilsk’s startup school for children was attended by 30 kids.
Catering Development Strategy for Norilsk
In partnership with the Gastronomy Institute of the Siberian Federal University and Norilsk’s culinary community, the Agency drafted a Catering Development Strategy for Norilsk to identify promising restaurant business concepts, effective models for the transfer of educational technologies, and approaches to building a local gastronomic brand. In the reporting year, the Gastronomy Institute provided training to 15 restaurant teams (56 people), with restaurateurs starting to develop five new projects. There are plans to create a gastronomic hub at the Norilsk Industrial Engineering and Service College.
Supporting entrepreneurship in Norilsk
In 2023, 470 people took part in People Who Do Their Business, a business forum hosted by the city of Norilsk. As part of this business event, 308 entrepreneurs attended training workshops and master classes, 17 investors from Krasnoyarsk gathered for a business mission to discuss investment proposals on the development of Norilsk and the Taimyrsky Dolgano‑Nenetsky Municipal District, and 10 designers contributed to a creative hackathon organised for Norilsk entrepreneurs.
Development and urban environment
Tower public and culture space
Norilsk Development Agency exercises designer control over the concept and design documents of the Tower public and culture space slated to open in 2024. In 2023, a series of training sessions on managing public spaces were held to build the Tower team and select space management formats. As part of the trainings, participants could visit creative and public spaces across Russia. Once the sessions were completed, 20 participants prepared and submitted their final presentations to the competition commission, which selected seven people who would join the Tower team.
Launching Norilsk 2035, an interactive platform on Norilsk renovation
2023 saw the launch of the Norilsk 2035 web platform, an interactive 3D map of Norilsk showcasing models of all residential buildings, social and cultural establishments, and other existing structures and facilities planned for construction, reconstruction and improvement by 2035
Driving urban improvements in Norilsk
In 2023, the Agency supported the following projects:
- development of a concept and cost estimates for upgrading the architectural lighting and landscape facilities of October Square and the adjacent area, and for beautifying the embankment of Lake Gorodskoye;
- renovation of buildings and installation of architectural lighting on Mira Street; bringing 12 entrances in line with a uniform design code (in collaboration with partners);
- installation of the Arctic Sun mosaic panel in celebration of Norilsk’s 70th anniversary (winner of the Best for Life Design Awards in the Preservation of Cultural Heritage Preservation category);
- development of sketches and a project for the beautification of Kayerkan’s Youth Centre in collaboration with local schoolchildren and youth;
- completion of a project to modify courtyard spacing on Talnakhskaya and Veteranov streets.

Holding At the Heart of Taimyr, a domestic tourism exhibition
At the Heart of Taimyr exhibition focused on tourism opportunities in the region. It brought together over 20 partners who promote regional tourism — local tour operators, souvenir artisans, and food experts. In the span of one week, more than 30,000 residents of Norilsk visited the exhibition
A guidebook titled “Attraction of Taimyr” was published for the occasion. This book describing over 80 tourism products received special mention at the 10th Route of the Year All‑Russia Tourist Awards and won the third place in the Best Tourist Guidebook category.
Holding Arctic Tourism Week forum
During business sessions of the interregional forum in Norilsk, industry experts and professionals discussed case studies on Arctic tourism, tourism master planning, national culture, industrial tourism practices, and organisation of expedition tourism. The discussions focused on support measures for tourism entrepreneurs, and promotion of culinary tourism, R&D excursions, and Arctic cruises.
During the forum, Norilsk Development Agency and the Northern Hydrometeorology and Environmental Monitoring Administration also signed an agreement on using weather stations for tourism purposes.
Launching the Discover Taimyr digital platform
In 2023, the Discover Taimyr digital platform was unveiled to the public. This online resource provides insights into the unique natural locations of the Arctic tourist cluster, the flora and fauna of the Taimyr Peninsula, and local attractions. The platform aggregates useful contacts and presents all the leisure activities Taimyr has to offer, providing tourists with an online builder to create customised itineraries and get in direct touch with suitable tour operators and guides.
Promoting sports tourism and healthy lifestyle
Sports events held in summer 2023 include X‑WATERS Yenisey extreme open water swimming series (80 participants from nine cities, over 3,000 spectators from Norilsk and Dudinka), Norilsk Trail mass run across the rugged terrain and spurs of the Putoranà Plateau and the Kharaelakh Mountains (150 participants from 19 cities, over 800 residents of Norilsk and Dudinka), and Depth of Putorana, freediving challenge organised in partnership with the Freediving Federation (this challenge set a new Russian record on Lake Lama with a 100 m dive beyond the Arctic Circle in the CWT discipline). In 2023, the Agency engaged sports professionals to organise educational courses and training sessions for members of sports communities.
Fostering industrial tourism
In 2023, ongoing collaboration with the Agency for Strategic Initiatives helped provide training for representatives of local industrial facilities under the Open Industry countrywide accelerator. Seven industrial tour guides were licensed in Norilsk, and eight industrial tours were developed. Information about these tours was featured in new episodes of the TV show Travel Ventures. Special attention was paid to creating modern formats for presenting information about local industries. To that end, experts started developing dedicated concepts of information and museum spaces, with initial concepts prepared for Anhydrite mine, Medvezhy Ruchey open pit, and Talnakh Concentrator.
Developing the Schmidt Mountain tourist and recreation area
To deliver on the master plan for the Arctic tourism and recreation cluster, the mayor of Norilsk approved the Concept for Development of the Schmidt Mountain Tourist and Recreation Area. The construction of the longest tourist staircase in Russia (5.6 km) is planned with three covered viewing platforms at different heights. The route includes three thematic areas: palaeontological, historical and sports sections. Artefacts and historical objects are delicately integrated into the route. In 2023, an engineering survey was completed for the prospective tourist and recreation area.
Social and cultural projects
Academy of Creative Industries
As part of the Academy of Creative Industries project, in 2023 the creative space of Norilsk hosted training sessions (with over 50 people trained in creating short films and object design techniques), intensive creativity courses, and presentations of finished works. The platform accommodates 33 residents of the creative community who are not only involved in the manufacturing of local products, but also contribute to the space’s agenda by conducting workshops in related areas (ceramics, painting, fashion design, videography). 2023 saw the opening of a coffee shop offering bespoke drink recipes and a showroom exhibiting works of local artisans and designers. In addition to this, the creative space hosted cultural events, festivals and exhibitions. In total, in 2023 the creative space organised over 200 events in 2023, with attendance exceeding 8,000 people.
High Latitude Forum
Norilsk hosted the first High Latitude Forum attended by the leaders and faculty of educational establishments, representatives of the city administration, cultural institutions, Nornickel, parental communities, and experts. The Forum focused on the positioning and development of Norilsk’s pedagogical community, conscious parenting practices and involvement of families in the educational process, communications, and school environment. During the event, Norilsk Development Agency presented its concept for Dolgikh lyceum, an educational and sociocultural centre of advanced educational practices (currently at design stage).
Moscow’s Cube.Moscow contemporary art centre hosted an exhibition of works by Norilsk residents titled “Urban Polar Explorers” (5,000 visitors), while GROUND Solyanka, a gallery and a workshop in Moscow, presented 30 limited edition publications by 11 Norilsk authors. Furthermore, the ARcTic street art gallery in Norilsk added three new murals

Monchegorsk Development Agency
Business and investment
MDA Academy
In 2023, MDA Academy hosted events seeking to attract subsidised financing for implementing business initiatives of Monchegorsk’s aspiring and active entrepreneurs. These events included intensive project‑based courses, educational business trainings to enhance competencies, and individual support provided to entrepreneurs all the way through from developing project applications to submitting them to competitions.
In the reporting year, 81 participants completed the educational module, with 42 grant applications submitted for SME support and 8 applications receiving financing.
Arctic Investor
To attract external investments, Monchegorsk Development Agency developed 40 promising business projects to be discussed with potential investors during roadshows and presentations at forums and exhibitions. By the end of 2023, 7 investment agreements were signed, with investments totalling RUB 331 mln (including creation of 70 new jobs).
Business club
Monchegorsk has built a community of active entrepreneurs from the Murmansk Region who seek to develop horizontal ties, create joint initiatives, and enhance their skills. Members of the business club enjoy a wide range of privileges, including reimbursement of certain expenses during offsite club meetings, access to events with a limited number of participants, and additional brand promotion. In 2023, the club was relaunched with a focus on informal meetings and cross‑links among its members. The club has more than 100 members, with over 10 meetings held and 2 cross‑partnerships established.
Business House online show
The show aims to develop entrepreneurial and leadership skills in the youth of Monchegorsk and the Murmansk Region, to create a community of young entrepreneurs, and to encourage new business projects.
Viewers follow participants in their journey from idea generation to the first profit made, as the show’s protagonists compete for an opportunity to choose the right support for their personal business from several options.
As the first season of the show came to an end, Monchegorsk noted growing interest in business among its young people: in 2022, no applicants in the Business and Investment category were under 25 years old, while in 2023 the situation changed dramatically, with more than 15 applicants coming from the specified age group, including 10 who applied for financial support and four who received grants to pursue their business projects.
Development and urban environment
Design code for Monchegorsk
The design code based on the city brand developed by Monchegorsk Development Agency serves as a tool for regulating the visual aspect of the urban environment. In 2023, regulations were developed for introducing the design code, including new landscaping rules and the architectural and artistic concept. All design code regulations were approved by the Ministry of Urban Development and Improvement of the Murmansk Region and the Council of Deputies of Monchegorsk.
City Dweller School in Monchegorsk
As part of support provided to the City Dweller School’s projects for the creation and improvement of public and courtyard spaces, Monchegorsk Development Agency offers methodological and informational assistance in fundraising for the initiatives of local communities. In 2023, the focus was on the preparation of competition and grant applications, with some projects receiving extensive informational coverage and support from local residents. For example, Kolsky Foundation won a grant for the construction of a new playground near the children’s clinic in 2024. Furthermore, in 2023 significant improvements were made to the design solutions for the beautification of Sergey Brovtsev city park.
Bus route scheme of Monchegorsk
To streamline municipal transit in Monchegorsk, a new bus route scheme was presented. Kola MMC provided assistance in installing six smart heated bus stops, which serve as the testing ground for the new scheme. In 2024, the scheme is planned to be rolled out to the entire public transit system of Monchegorsk. This is partly due to the reconstruction of Revolution Square, which gives priority to the expansion of pedestrian spaces, greening initiatives, and transformation of car traffic.
Imandra tourist and recreation cluster
The cluster aims to foster and promote the tourist community in Monchegorsk, while also delivering on infrastructure and tourism projects designed to create a network of waterway routes across Imandra Lake offering a variety of combined use options, including hiking, car, and mountaineering itineraries. Highlights of 2023 included continued implementation of the master plan, making new partnerships (Imandra tours were included in the programmes of regional and federal tour operators), and promotion of Monchegorsk and Imandra as attractive tourist destinations through the Visit Imandra website, loyalty programmes, brochures, and dedicated tours for photographers, journalists and bloggers.
Imandra Fest umbrella brand
The brand is designed to bring together events staged by locals, while also providing them with informational and organisational support to raise awareness among tourists and local residents and take these events to a brand new level. In 2023, the Imandra Fest umbrella brand promoted 16 events of local, regional and federal partners with attendance in excess of 34,200 people. Those events included family festival of Nordic culture Imandra Viking Fest (20,000 participants over 2 days), and X-WATERS Imandra cold-water swimming series (1,200 people at the event’s venue). To promote winter tourism in Monchegorsk, the first ever Zimandra Festival was held in 2023, bringing together 107 local entrepreneurs from the gastronomic and active pastime sectors and attracting over 6,000 guests.
RuTrail marked routes
Development of hiking and walking infrastructure gives tourists an opportunity to plan an independent week-long trip in the area surrounding Monchegorsk. In 2023, the first tourist rest stop was equipped on the existing Viking Trail, along with four art objects and two hardscape elements. The trail was visited by over 10,000 people.

Social and cultural projects
Implementing the Development Strategy for the Monchegorsk Polytechnic College
In 2023, efforts under the Strategy focused on the launch of two flagship educational programmes and e‑sports classes, reshuffle of the management team, competence assessment of 75 college employees, audit of digital processes, and organising a series of strategic sessions, educational programmes and trainings.
Implementing the management strategy for the development of School No. 5 in Monchegorsk
In a bid to build a modern educational institution, by the end of 2023 we had completed research on the school’s social capital, opened a medical class, added natural science hours to the curriculum, and introduced interactive methods of teaching, goal‑setting, planning, motivating and monitoring of preparation for general/unified state exams. The social impact of the project is evident in improved exam performance and increased motivation among students. Additionally, we developed cost estimates for the overhaul of the school building seeking to improve the efficiency of school facilities and to shore up public satisfaction with the quality of schools and situation in the city in general.
Implementing the concept for developing a creative cluster in Monchegorsk
In 2023, in an attempt to give a boost to the creative industry, a digital space was established for the residents of Monchegorsk’s creative cluster. This space offers opportunities for scaling, collaboration and building new competencies, with support provided to 24 new initiatives. Additionally, the reporting year saw the development of 13 team projects, some of which were presented at five events of various levels.
The ArtArctica residence contributed to several workshops and the first happening held on the island, while also helping to install new art objects throughout the city. The ArtArctica AR Park mobile app added new modules to enhance customer experience. Furthermore, MDA Academy provided assistance to projects related to the film industry, stand‑up, and collaboration with non‑profit organisations seeking to obtain grants.
Second School Centre for Community Initiatives of the Pechengsky District
Business and investment
Business Residence
The project aims to promote business and entrepreneurship in the Pechengsky District. In 2023, it featured four key events:
- Self‑Employed Entrepreneurs. Path to Tourism (60 participants attended lectures and consultations, and led tours at the Gastro Industry Fest);
- Business Game (five business games held for entrepreneurs from different walks of life);
- Tourist Team‑Building (bringing together 31 tourism and service economy experts to create new partnerships);
- Culinary Map of the Pechengsky District (10 teams of restaurateurs developed menus for the Gastro Industry Fest).
Business Goes to School
As part of the project, in 2023, 41 high school students from the Pechengsky District underwent training to develop leadership and communication skills, and 20 teachers got insights into using modern devices in the educational process.
Development and urban environment
Metallurgist Square (Festival Square)
In 2023, efforts continued to beautify the square, with new entrances, an industrial art object (underground load‑haul dumper), and recycled plastic benches installed. For the second time, the square hosted the Gastro Industry Fest.
Second School Yard
In 2023, a significant part of the yard beautification works were completed, with pedestrian pathways were arranged, recreational areas put in place, and recycled plastic benches and swings installed. The project is slated for completion in 2024
Programme for Social and Economic Development of the Pechengsky District
The Second School Centre acts as the operator of local development projects under the Programme for Social and Economic Development of the Pechengsky District.
Gastro Industry Fest
In 2023, the Gastro Industry Fest became part of the Weekend of Mine celebrations, which included Miner’s Day festivities in Zapolyarny, and a festival in Nickel with attendance of over 10,000 people from more than 70 cities and towns. The Gastro Industry event hosted première of the film “Pechengsky District from A to Z”.
Volunteer Campus
In 2023, the Volunteer Campus focused on:
- cleaning up the Kolosyoki River (579 kg of iron, 1.4 tonnes of car tyres, and 9 kg of plastic removed);
- participating in excursions, lectures, workshops, and SUP training sessions;
- donating a restored icon of St Nicholas the Wonderworker to the Tryphon of Pechenga Church.
Northern Hospitality Volunteers
During a series of meetings involving 61 teenagers from the Pechengsky District, four training sessions were held to raise awareness about various aspects of volunteering and environmental and event tourism practices.
Social and cultural projects
This project aims to promote art in the Russian Far North. In 2023, it was divided into three stages:
- creating art objects at the Metallurgist Square;
- organising the now traditional shifts of the art residency – “Nickel. Polar Night” and “Nickel. Polar Day”, with a total of nine resident artists participating, five art objects designed, nine workshops and lectures held for 80 residents of the Pechengsky District;
- staging permanent and temporary exhibitions of paintings and art objects at the Nickel Gallery.
Woman of the North. Path to Your True Self
In 2023, the forum was held for the second time, with 80 women attending design, fashion, inner well‑being, and communication workshops.