Health and safety management

GRI 403‑1

Employee health and safety is our strategic priority. It is enshrined in the Company’s Sustainable Social Development Strategy through 2030, Key Focus Areas in Occupational Health and Safety for 2023–2025Designated as the Occupational Health and Safety Strategy in the sustainability reports for 2021 and 2022., and the Occupational Health and Safety Policy.

Main occupational health and safety goals:


Zero catastrophic industrial accidents:

prevent accidents at the Company’s facilities that may have negative impact on people from across the Company’s regions and the Company’s production results


No work‑related fatalities:

zero tolerance to any work‑related fatalities


Safe working conditions and mitigation of mining and processing risks

Main occupational health and safety goals

Nornickel has in place an occupational health and safety management system, which applies to all employees of the Company and is in line with Russian laws, international standards, and certification requirements, as well as internal policies and regulations.

OHS regulations

Applicable Russian laws aligned with international laws, including conventions of the International Labour Organisation

Sustainable Social Development Strategy through 2030

Key Focus Areas in Occupational Health and Safety for 2023–2025

Occupational Health and Safety Policy

Corporate OHS standards

Regulations on the Occupational Health and Safety Management System

Regulations on the Industrial Safety Management System

OHS sections in collective bargaining agreements for the Group’s Russian operations

Regulations and guidelines for all production processes

Project implementation plans and specifications for repair, construction, and installation works

Occupational health and safety guidelines for specific jobs and types of work at all Company’s facilities

In 2023, the Company approved a corporate standard that establishes unified requirements for road safety initiatives in carrying out production activities, including preventing road accidents and transport injuries, ensuring the safe operation of vehicles, improving labour discipline, and enhancing a safe driving culture.

Occupational health and safety responsibilities are allocated among Nornickel’s various governance bodies and business units in line with their terms of reference.

GRI 2‑9, 2‑12, 2‑13
Board of Directors
  • Determines the Company’s OHS strategy
  • Monitors the Company’s OHS performance
Senior Vice President – Operational Director
  • Improves the efficiency of OHS organisation and prevention initiatives
  • Strengthens manager and expert responsibility for creating a healthy and safe working conditions
  • Assesses the efficiency of OHS initiatives
  • Improves the OHS management system
Vice President, Ecology and Industrial Safety
  • Develops and implements the Company’s OHS strategy
  • Organises and coordinates OHS activities and provides guidance on them and methodological support
HSE Department
  • Develops accident and injury prevention initiatives and oversees their implementation
  • Develops OHS initiatives and monitors compliance with the applicable legislation

Nornickel is actively fostering a culture of conscious and responsible approach to occupational health and safety. The cardinal safety rules, quality incident investigations, new training formats, identification of workplace risks, continuous monitoring of personal protective equipment usage, and numerous other initiatives are not mere formalities, but meaningful measures designed to save our lives and health.

Mikhail Borovik,

maintenance technician, grade 5, Norilsknickelremont, Norilskremont Production Association (length of service with the Company – 33 years)

Occupational health and safety certification
MMC Norilsk Nickel (Head Office, Polar Division, Polar Transport Division, Murmansk Transport Division) ISO 45001:2018
Kola MMC ISO 45001:2018
Pechengastroy ISO 45001:2018
Norilsk Nickel Harjavalta ISO 45001:2018

In 2023, recertification audits were conducted at the production sites of Polar Division, Murmansk and Polar Transport divisions, and at the Company’s Head Office. According to the inspection and certification company Bureau Veritas Certification, Nornickel’s OHS management system is highly mature and fully compliant with ISO 45001:2018 Occupational Health and Safety Management System. The auditors praised the project to enhance safety culture development and gave a positive assessment of risk‑oriented approach tools, the use of information technologies, contractor relations, and the focus on continuous improvement of the management system.

A. N. Malinsky In a coal mine

Contractor safety management GRI 403‑1, 403‑2, 403‑5

Zero tolerance to any work‑related fatalities and non‑compliance with the cardinal safety rules is reflected in the general terms and conditions of contractor agreements.

Nornickel procures production and technical supplies in the domestic market under master agreements. These state that the contractor recognises and commits to generally accepted principles in human rights (which include safe work) and labour relations, as stipulated by international regulations and in particular the UN Global Compact.

All works carried out by contractors in highly hazardous conditions are governed by the respective corporate standard. Work permits, operations certificates, process sheets, and guidelines must contain safety requirements to be met when organising and performing work. The Company checks compliance with these requirements during each shift.

Prior to commencement of work, contractors’ staff receive induction and task‑oriented OHS briefings, including safety measures set forth in work execution plans.

In addition to briefings, training is provided for contractors’ employees: in 2023, the Company’s specialists conducted trainings on the basics of safety culture, behavioural safety audits, and dynamic risk assessment.

On the sites of its facilities, the Group holds regular joint inspections of compliance with safety requirements at work, and OHS council (committee) meetings involving contractor representatives. In case of failure to comply with OHS requirements, contractors are fined.

For violation of the cardinal safety rules, the contractor’s employees are removed from the Company’s territory and banned from entering any of the Group’s entities for at least one year.

Contractor safety management